Research and development projects at the chair
The chair of business, economica and entrepreneurship education deals with teaching, research and scientific advice on different issues of VET, in particular with the design and organization of teaching-learning processes in the different institutions of VET as well as in upstream and downstream education.
In teaching, students are prepared for work in the field of extracurricular and school-based vocational education within the framework of a BA / MA study course in Business Education. a. work as vocational school teachers (in the field of business and administration), training and further education or training managers and consultants or work in vocational training research and policy.In diversen Forschungs- und Entwicklungsvorhaben befasst sich der Lehrstuhl aktuell v. a. mit Fragestellungen
- pedagogy and vocational education and training,
- model pilot and innovation research,
- the reform of the vocational education system,
- the internationalization of vocational education,
- concerning networks and cooperations in vocational education respectively regional development
- and the professionalization of educational staff.
In all research areas, the relationship between the subject level, the different institutions and the framework conditions of the education system is taken fully into account. As a rule, instruments of qualitative empirical social research are used here. In addition, the chair cooperates intensively with actors and institutions of professional practice in all its research and development projects.
Other points in research and teaching are
- in the analysis of processes and structures in business start-up processes
- in the promotion of entrepreneurial thinking and acting among students and VET professionals.
You have an interesting project idea in the field of vocational training or plan the implementation of projects in the field of business or start-up education and are looking for project or cooperation partners?
Then feel free to contact us anytime, we are always interested in innovative research and development projects! Our employees also have in-depth experience in applying for, planning, implementing and evaluating projects - regional, national and international!