Prof. Dr. Christian Brock
Chair Holder
Room 314
Fon 0381 498 4370
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Ahlert, D./Kenning, P./Brock, C. (2020). Handelsmarketing: Grundlagen der marktorientierten Führung von Handelsbetrieben. 3te Auflage. Springer-Verlag.
Brock, C (2009): Beschwerdeverhalten und Kundenbindung – Erfolgswirkungen und Management der Kundenbeschwerde, Wiesbaden.
Blut, M., Wang, C., Wünderlich, N. V., & Brock, C. Understanding anthropomorphism in service provision: A meta-analysis of physical robots, chatbots, and other AI. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, (im Druck).
Evanschitzky, H./Ramaseshan, B./Brady, M. K./Rabbanee, F. K./Brock, C./ Pokorska‐Zare, J. (2020). Consumer relationship fading. Psychology & Marketing, 37(6), 815-836.
Evanschitzky, H./ Bartikowski, B./Baines,T./Blut, M./Brock, C./Kleinlercher, K./Naik, P./Petit, O./Rudolph, T./ Spence, C./Velasco, C./Wünderlich, N.V. (2020). Digital Disruption in Retailing and Beyond. Journal of Service Management Research (SMR), 4 (4), 187-204.
Frank, P./ Brock, C. (2019). “Green cannibalism” or an “organic inside job”? Empirical insights into the rivalry of ethical grocery types. Psychology & Marketing 36(6), 597-617.
Bergel, M./ Brock, C. (2019). Visitors’ loyalty and price perceptions: the role of customer engagement. The Service Industries Journal, 39(7-8), 575-589.
Bergel, M./Brock, C. (2018). The impact of switching costs on customer complaint behavior and service recovery evaluation. Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 28(4), 458-483.
Blut, M./Wünderlich, N./Brock, C. (2018). Innovative Technologies in Branded-Service Encounters: How Robot Characteristics Affect Brand Trust and Experience, in: Proceedings of the International Conference of Information Systems (ICIS 2018), S. 1-11.
Hubert, M./ Blut, M./Brock, C./Zhang, R. W./Koch, V./Riedl, R. (2018). The influence of acceptance and adoption drivers on smart home usage. European Journal of Marketing (im Druck).
Frank, P./Brock, C. (2018). Bridging the Intention-Behavior Gap Among Organic Grocery Customers: The Crucial Role of Point-of-Sale Information, Psychology & Marketing, 35. Jg., Nr. 8, S. 586-602.
Kaatz, C. P./Brock, C./Blut, M. (2017). Developing a Conceptualization of Mobile Service Quality, in: Proceedings of the International Conference of Information Systems (ICIS 2017), S. 1-11.
Hubert, M./ Blut, M./ Brock, C./ Backhaus, C./ Eberhardt, T. (2017). Acceptance of smartphone-based mobile shopping: mobile benefits, customer characteristics, perceived risk and the impact of application context. Psychology and Marketing 34.2 (2017): 175-194 .
Blut M./Chowdhry N./Mittal V./Brock C. (2015): E-Service Quality: A Meta-Analytic Review, Journal of Retailing, 91 (4), 679-700.
Blut, M./Beatty, S. E./Evanschitzky, H./Brock, C. (2014): The Impact of Service Characteristics on the Switching Costs-Customer Loyalty Link, Journal of Retailing, 90(2), 275-290.
Brock, C./Blut, M./Evanschitzky, H./Kenning, P. (2013): Complaint Management: Differences between B2B- and B2C-industries, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 30(3), 319-322.
Brock, C./Blut, M./Evanschitzky, H./Kenning, P./Hubert, M. (2013): Don't Care about Service Recovery - Inertia Effects Buffer the Impact of Complaint Satisfaction, Advances in Consumer Research.
Brock, C./Blut, M./Linzmajer, M./Zimmer, B. (2011): F-Commerce and the Crucial Role of Trust, in: Proceedings of the International Conference of Information Systems (ICIS 2011), S. 1-11.
Evanschitzky, H./Brock, C./Blut, M. (2011): Will You Tolerate This? The Impact of Affective Commitment on Complaint Intention and Postrecovery Behavior, Journal of Service Research (JSR) 14 (4), S. 410-425.
Brock, C./Blut, M./Evanschitzky, H./Ahlert, M./Kenning, P. (2011): Kundenbindung und Motive von Noncomplainern: Neue Aspekte des Beschwerdemanagement, in: Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft (ZfB), Special Issue 2, 57-76.
Kenning, P./ Grzeskowiak, S./ Brock, C./Ahlert, M. (2011): The Role of Wholesale Brands for Buyer Loyalty: A Transaction Cost Perspective; in: Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing (JBIM), 26 (3), 162-170.
Brock, C./Blut, M./Evanschitzky, H./Ahlert, M./Kenning, P. (2010): Beschwerdemanagement im B2B-Sektor – Replikation und Erweiterung, in: Die Betriebswirtschaft (DBW), 70 (1), S. 25-40.
Kaatz, C./Brock, C./Blut, M.: From E-Service Quality to M-Service Quality: Development of a Measurement Model,” 2017 Frontiers in Service Conference, New York, USA
Brock, C./Blut, M./Evanschitzky, H./Voorhees, C. M.: Service Failure and Customer Loyalty – Testing the Boundary Conditions of the Service Recovery Paradox, Winter AMA, Orlando, USA, 2017.
Bergel, M./Brock, C.: When Exit is no Option – The Impact of Switching Costs on Customer Complaint Behavior, Proceedings of the ANZMAC 2016 Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Hubert, M./Blut, M./Brock, C./Backhaus, C./Eberhardt, T.: Mobile Commerce – The Moderating Roles of Perceived Risk and Application Context. Global Marketing Conference 2016, Hong Kong.
Rugen, J./Brock, C./Blut, M.: Managing Customer Integration – The crucial Role of Frontline Employees. Global Marketing Conference 2016, Hong Kong.
Caemmerer, B./Brock, C./Evanschitzky, H./Alexander, M.: Public Service Satisfaction, Citizen Trust and Participation, WMC 2016, Paris.
Brock, C./ Grossmann, M./Hubert, M.: The relevance of positive word-of-mouth effects on calculation of customer lifetime values in start-ups, EMAC 2015, Leuven.
Brock, C./Blut, M./ Linzmajer, M./Zimmer, B./ Iyer, G. R.: An empirical examination of drivers impacting usage intentions of social media, WMC 2014, Peru.
Meik, J./ Brock, C./Blut, M.: Complaining Customers as Innovation Contributors: Stimulating Service Innovation through Multichannel Complaint Management. Global Conference (SRII), 2014 Annual SRII. IEEE, 2014.
Brock, C./ Linzmajer, M./Blut, M.: Shopping Motives in Mobile Commerce: The Impact of Mobile Devices on Consumers’ Purchase Intention, EMAC 2013, Istanbul.
Brock, C./Blut, M./Evanschitzky, H./Voorhees, C. M.: Twenty Years of Service Recovery Paradox Research – A criticial Review, Frontiers in Service Conference 2013, Taipeh.
Meik, J./Brock, C.: Stimulating Service Innovation – The Neglected Outcome of Customer Complaints, Frontiers in Service Conference 2013, Taipeh.
Brock, C./Meik, J./ Caemmerer, B./Evanschitzky, H.: Public Sector Complaint Management - A missing Perspective in Service Research, Frontiers in Service Conference 2013, Taipeh.
Meik, J./Brock, C.: A Conceptual Contribution to Research on Stimulating Service Innovation – The Interrelation of Service Innovation and Customer Complaint Management, World Marketing Congress 2012, Atlanta.
Blut, M./Ulrich, J./Brock, C.: Complaint Handling in B2B-industries: Determinants of Customer Loyalty after a Negative Incident, Winter AMA, St. Petersburg, USA, 2012.
Brock, C./Meik, J./Caemmerer, B./Evanschitzky, H.: Complaint Handling and Service Satisfaction in the Public Sector, EMAC 2012, Lissabon.
Evanschitzky, H./Ramaseshan, B./Rabbanee, F./Brock, C.: Road to Perdition? The Phenomenon of Consumer Relationship Fading, Winter AMA, St. Petersburg, USA, 2012.
Meik, J./Brock, C./Rampl, L.V.: Stimulating Service Innovations using Customer Complaints' Information. American Marketing Association (AMA) ServSIG Conference 2012, Helsinki, Finland.
Caemmerer, B./Evanschitzky, H./Brock, C.: A Multi-Level Study on Franchisee-and System-Level Antecedents of Opportunism and Satisfaction, WMC 2011, Reims.
Blut, M./Brock, C./Evanschitzky, H.: The Forgetful Customer: Regeneration of Sales after Service Failure, AMS Annual Conference, Miami 2011.
Blut, M./Beatty, S. E./Evanschitzky, H./Brock, C.: When do Switching Costs Matter? The Interrelationship between Service Characteristics and Switching Costs, EMAC 2011, Ljubljana.
Brock, C./Blut, M./Evanschitzky, H./Kenning, P. (2010): Don’t Care about Service Recovery – Inertia Effects Buffer the Impact of Complaint Satisfaction, ANZMAC Annual Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand (ausgezeichnet mit dem Best Paper Award im Track “Service Marketing”).
Blut, M./Brock, C./Evanschitzky, H./Kenning, P.: Service Failure and Customer Recovery: Differences between B2B- and B2C-Industries, Summer AMA, Boston, USA, 2010.
Brock, C./Blut, M./Evanschitzky, H./Voorhees, C. M.: Service Recovery Paradox: Truth or Myth?, Winter AMA, New Orleans, USA, 2010.
Evanschitzky, H./Brock, C.: The Forgiving Customer – The Moderating Role of Affective Commitment, World Marketing Congress, Oslo, Norway, 2009.
Brock, C./Evanschitzky, H./Ahlert, D.: Complaint and Switching Intention after Service Failures - the Moderating Role of Affective Commitment and Complaint Barriers, AMA Servsig International Research Conference, Liverpool, UK, 2008.
Backhaus, C./Heußler, T./Brock, C./ Michaelis, M./Ahlert, D.: Standardization vs. Adaptation: The Challenge of Global Services Branding, AMA Servsig International Research Conference, Liverpool, UK, 2008.
Brock, C./Voorhees, C. M./Blut, M./Kenning, P./Ahlert, M.: Consequences of Service Failures: Differences between Noncomplainers, satisfied and dissatisfied Complainers, EMAC Conference, Brighton, UK, 2008.
Brock, C./Evanschitzky, H./Ahlert, D.: Complaint Intention of Dissatisfied Customers – The moderating Role of Affective Commitment and Complaint Barriers, Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference (AMS), Vancouver, Canada, 2008.
Brock, C./Grzeskowiak, S./Ahlert, M./Kenning, P.: The Role of Wholesale Brands for Buyer Loyalty: A Transaction Cost Perspective, Proceedings of Annual Academic Workshop, Tampa, USA, 2008.
Brock, C./Kenning, P./Ahlert, M.: Do Supplier Brands reduce Uncertainty in Supply Chains?, Markentag II, Istanbul, Turkey, 2007.
Brock, C.: The Profit Impact of Noncomplainers – First Findings and Further Research, 20th EMAC Doctoral Colloquium, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2007.
Brock, C./Evanschitzky, H./Blut, M./Kenning, P: Complaint Handling in the B2B Sector, AMA SERVSIG: ’Capitalizing on Customer Feedback: New Paradigms and Strategic Imperatives’, AMA Winter Educators’ Conference, Austin, USA, 2008.
Backhaus, R./Backhaus, R./ Brock, C./Woisetschläger, D. (2019): Erbringung kooperativer Dienstleistungen durch Netzwerke – Erfolgspotenziale und Herausforderungen am Beispiel eines telemedizinischen Netzwerks zur integrierten Schlaganfallversorgung. In (Bruhn/Hadwich): Service Coopetition - Dienstleistungen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Kooperation und Wettbewerb, im Druck.
Brock, C./Frank, P./Kaatz, C. (2018). Service Business Development im Handel–Grundlagen, Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen. In (Bruhn/Hadwich): Service Business Development. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, 2018. S. 545-565.
Brock, C./Bergel, M./Kaatz, C. (2017). Dienstleistungsmarken – Aktuelle Entwicklungen, spezifische Herausforderungen und Implikationen für die Markenführung. In: Corsten, H. & Roth, S. (Hrsg.): Handbuch Dienstleistungsmanagement. München: Franz Vahlen Verlag, 1345-1360.
Evanschitzky, H./Brock,C./Blut, M./Pokorska,J. (2017). Stopping Relationships from Fading: The Concept of Restoration Efforts. In: Corsten, H. & Roth, S. (Hrsg.): Handbuch Dienstleistungsmanagement. München: Franz Vahlen Verlag, 1283-1298.
Brock, C./Streubig, A. (2014): Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement am Beispiel der Otto Group – Herausforderungen, Strategie und Umsetzung. In: Meffert, H./Kenning, P./Kirchgeorg, M. (Hrsg.): Sustainable Marketing Management, S. 339-357
Brock, C./Meik, J./Kaiser, J./Al-Dari, S./Handke, B. (2012): Der Bürger als Kunde – Anliegenmanagement im öffentlichen Sektor. In: Jansen, Stephan A.; Stehr, Nico; Schröter, Eckhard (Hrsg.): ZU|Schrift 2012.
Brock, C./Diedrich, M./Göbel, T. (2012): Multikanalmanagement und Kundenbindung – Zur Überwindung der Distanz zwischen Kunden und Anbieter. In: Jansen, Stephan A.; Stehr, Nico; Schröter, Eckhard (Hrsg.): ZU|Schrift 2011.
Brock, C./Ahlert, M./Gehrmann, K.: Beschwerdemanagement in Franchisenetzwerken, in: Ahlert, D/ Ahlert, M.: Handbuch Franchising und Cooperation.
Bierwirth, A./Brock, C.: Markenmanagement der Lufthansa AG – Herausforderungen im internationalen Luftverkehr, in: Ahlert, D./Backhaus, C./Blut, M./Michaelis, M.: Internationales Markenmanagement, Wiesbaden, 2008.
Kenning, P./Brock, C./ Grzeskowiak, S./Ahlert, M.: The Role of Wholesale Brands for Buyer Loyalty: A Transaction Cost Perspective, in: Baumgarth, C.: Perspektiven des Markenmanagements, Wiesbaden, 2008.
Ahlert, M./Brock, C./Vering, S.: Die Wirkung der Marke auf die Kundenloyalität – Eine empirische Analyse am Beispiel des Industriegüterhandels, in: Bauer, H.H./Albrecht, C.-M./Huber, F., Markenmanagement, München, 2007, S. 369-380.
Reinery, C./Blut, M./Brock, C.: Sponsoring als Instrument des "Early Branding" am Beispiel von Jugend trainiert für Olympia, in: Ahlert, D./Vogel, V./Woisetschläger, D., Exzellentes Sponsoring, Wiesbaden, 2006, S. 181-196.
Blut, M./Brock, C./ Kaatz, C. (2017): Die Qualität muss stimmen Markenartikel, in: Das Magazin für Markenführung, 3, 64-66.
Brock, C./Ahlert, M./Eggert, M./Hamm, J. D.: Wertorientiertes Beschwerdemanagement in Dienstleistungsnetzwerken, Studie des Internationalen Centrums für Franchising & Cooperation (F&C), Münster, 2009.
Die Reihe Applied Marketing Science wird herausgegeben von: Ahlert, Dieter/Blut, Markus/Brock, Christian/Eggert, Andreas/Evanschitzky, Heiner/Hesse, Josef/Holzmüller, Hartmut M./Iyer, Gopalkrishnan R./Möller-Hergt, Gustavo/Pelton, Lou/Sharma, Arun/Wangenheim, Florian von/Woisetschläger, David.