Prof. Dr. Christian Brock
Lehrstuhlinhaber ABWL: Marketing
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Prof. Dr. Christian Brock ist seit Juni 2014 Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für ABWL: Marketing an der Universität Rostock. Nach einer Ausbildung zum Industriekaufmann und anschließender Tätigkeit im Vertrieb der 3M-Loewe GmbH absolvierte Christian Brock das Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre an der Westfälischen Wilhelms-Universität Münster. 2009 promovierte er dort am Lehrstuhl für Distribution & Handel (Marketing Centrum Münster) zum Thema Kundenzufriedenheit und Beschwerdemanagement. Nach kurzer Post-Doc-Phase an der University of Strathclyde in Glasgow wurde Christian Brock im Jahr 2010 auf die von der Otto Group gestiftete Juniorprofessur für Service Marketing und Distanzhandel an der Zeppelin Universität in Friedrichshafen berufen.
Die Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen in den Bereichen Kundenzufriedenheit, Beschwerdemanagement, Multikanalmanagement und Dienstleistungsmarketing. Seine Arbeiten wurden u.a. im Journal of Retailing, Journal of Service Research, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Psychology & Marketing, Proceedings of the ICIS, Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft und Die Betriebswirtschaft publiziert.
Ahlert, D./Kenning, P./Brock, C. (2020). Handelsmarketing: Grundlagen der marktorientierten Führung von Handelsbetrieben. 3te Auflage. Springer-Verlag.
Brock, C (2009): Beschwerdeverhalten und Kundenbindung – Erfolgswirkungen und Management der Kundenbeschwerde, Wiesbaden.
Wünderlich, N. V., Blut, M., & Brock, C. (2024). Enhancing corporate brands through service robots: The impact of anthropomorphic design metaphors on corporate brand perceptions. Journal of Product Innovation Management.
Blut, M., Kulikovskaja, V., Hubert, M., Brock, C., & Grewal, D. (2023). Effectiveness of engagement initiatives across engagement platforms: A meta-analysis. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 1-25.
Blut, M., Wang, C., Wünderlich, N. V., & Brock, C. Understanding anthropomorphism in service provision: A meta-analysis of physical robots, chatbots, and other AI. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 49, 632–658.
Evanschitzky, H./Ramaseshan, B./Brady, M. K./Rabbanee, F. K./Brock, C./ Pokorska‐Zare, J. (2020). Consumer relationship fading. Psychology & Marketing, 37(6), 815-836.
Evanschitzky, H./ Bartikowski, B./Baines,T./Blut, M./Brock, C./Kleinlercher, K./Naik, P./Petit, O./Rudolph, T./ Spence, C./Velasco, C./Wünderlich, N.V. (2020). Digital Disruption in Retailing and Beyond. Journal of Service Management Research (SMR), 4 (4), 187-204.
Frank, P./ Brock, C. (2019). “Green cannibalism” or an “organic inside job”? Empirical insights into the rivalry of ethical grocery types. Psychology & Marketing 36(6), 597-617.
Bergel, M./ Brock, C. (2019). Visitors’ loyalty and price perceptions: the role of customer engagement. The Service Industries Journal, 39(7-8), 575-589.
Bergel, M./Brock, C. (2018). The impact of switching costs on customer complaint behavior and service recovery evaluation. Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 28(4), 458-483.
Blut, M./Wünderlich, N./Brock, C. (2018). Innovative Technologies in Branded-Service Encounters: How Robot Characteristics Affect Brand Trust and Experience, in: Proceedings of the International Conference of Information Systems (ICIS 2018), S. 1-11.
Hubert, M./ Blut, M./Brock, C./Zhang, R. W./Koch, V./Riedl, R. (2018). The influence of acceptance and adoption drivers on smart home usage. European Journal of Marketing (im Druck).
Frank, P./Brock, C. (2018). Bridging the Intention-Behavior Gap Among Organic Grocery Customers: The Crucial Role of Point-of-Sale Information, Psychology & Marketing, 35. Jg., Nr. 8, S. 586-602.
Kaatz, C. P./Brock, C./Blut, M. (2017). Developing a Conceptualization of Mobile Service Quality, in: Proceedings of the International Conference of Information Systems (ICIS 2017), S. 1-11.
Hubert, M./ Blut, M./ Brock, C./ Backhaus, C./ Eberhardt, T. (2017). Acceptance of smartphone-based mobile shopping: mobile benefits, customer characteristics, perceived risk and the impact of application context. Psychology and Marketing 34.2 (2017): 175-194 .
Blut M./Chowdhry N./Mittal V./Brock C. (2015): E-Service Quality: A Meta-Analytic Review, Journal of Retailing, 91 (4), 679-700.
Blut, M./Beatty, S. E./Evanschitzky, H./Brock, C. (2014): The Impact of Service Characteristics on the Switching Costs-Customer Loyalty Link, Journal of Retailing, 90(2), 275-290.
Brock, C./Blut, M./Evanschitzky, H./Kenning, P. (2013): Complaint Management: Differences between B2B- and B2C-industries, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 30(3), 319-322.
Brock, C./Blut, M./Evanschitzky, H./Kenning, P./Hubert, M. (2013): Don't Care about Service Recovery - Inertia Effects Buffer the Impact of Complaint Satisfaction, Advances in Consumer Research.
Brock, C./Blut, M./Linzmajer, M./Zimmer, B. (2011): F-Commerce and the Crucial Role of Trust, in: Proceedings of the International Conference of Information Systems (ICIS 2011), S. 1-11.
Evanschitzky, H./Brock, C./Blut, M. (2011): Will You Tolerate This? The Impact of Affective Commitment on Complaint Intention and Postrecovery Behavior, Journal of Service Research (JSR) 14 (4), S. 410-425.
Brock, C./Blut, M./Evanschitzky, H./Ahlert, M./Kenning, P. (2011): Kundenbindung und Motive von Noncomplainern: Neue Aspekte des Beschwerdemanagement, in: Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft (ZfB), Special Issue 2, 57-76.
Kenning, P./ Grzeskowiak, S./ Brock, C./Ahlert, M. (2011): The Role of Wholesale Brands for Buyer Loyalty: A Transaction Cost Perspective; in: Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing (JBIM), 26 (3), 162-170.
Brock, C./Blut, M./Evanschitzky, H./Ahlert, M./Kenning, P. (2010): Beschwerdemanagement im B2B-Sektor – Replikation und Erweiterung, in: Die Betriebswirtschaft (DBW), 70 (1), S. 25-40.
Bergel, M., Lewerenz, N., Witthohn, S., Brock, C.: Bridging the intention-behavior gap among sustainable tourism services: The crucial role of sustainability communication, Asia Conference on Business and Economic Studies (ACBES 2021), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 2021
Blut, M., Wünderlich, N.V., Brock, C.: Testing the impact of social robot characteristics on brand trust and experience: results of a video experiment, 10th EMAC Regional Conference, St. Petersburg, Russland, 2019.
Brock, C., Kaatz, C., Blut, M. & Le, N.H.: Customer Experience in Omni-Channel Retailing. Proceedings of the Frontiers in Service Conference 2019, Singapore.
Brock, C., Wünderlich, N., Blut, M.: Social Robots in Service Encounters, British Academy of Management Conference (BAM Conference), Special Session, Birmingham, 2019.
Frank, P., Brock, C. (2019). Explaining organic product features in print ads – An examination of actual purchase behavior and spill-over effects, EMAC 2019, Hamburg.
Kaatz, C., Brock, C., Figura, L.: Customer Experience and Purchase Behavior - An Analysis based on Click-stream and Survey Data, EMAC 2018.
Brock, C., Blut, M., & Evanschitzky, H.: Testing the Influence of Inertia on Post-Recovery Be-havior. 2018 Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo.
Hubert, M., Blut, M., Brock, C., Zhang, R. W.: Factors Influencing the Acceptance of Smart Home Applications. 2018 Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo.
Kaatz, C./Brock, C./Blut, M.: From E-Service Quality to M-Service Quality: Development of a Measurement Model,” 2017 Frontiers in Service Conference, New York, USA
Brock, C./Blut, M./Evanschitzky, H./Voorhees, C. M.: Service Failure and Customer Loyalty – Testing the Boundary Conditions of the Service Recovery Paradox, Winter AMA, Orlando, USA, 2017.
Bergel, M./Brock, C.: When Exit is no Option – The Impact of Switching Costs on Customer Complaint Behavior, Proceedings of the ANZMAC 2016 Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Hubert, M./Blut, M./Brock, C./Backhaus, C./Eberhardt, T.: Mobile Commerce – The Moderating Roles of Perceived Risk and Application Context. Global Marketing Conference 2016, Hong Kong.
Rugen, J./Brock, C./Blut, M.: Managing Customer Integration – The crucial Role of Frontline Employees. Global Marketing Conference 2016, Hong Kong.
Caemmerer, B./Brock, C./Evanschitzky, H./Alexander, M.: Public Service Satisfaction, Citizen Trust and Participation, WMC 2016, Paris.
Brock, C./ Grossmann, M./Hubert, M.: The relevance of positive word-of-mouth effects on calculation of customer lifetime values in start-ups, EMAC 2015, Leuven.
Brock, C./Blut, M./ Linzmajer, M./Zimmer, B./ Iyer, G. R.: An empirical examination of drivers impacting usage intentions of social media, WMC 2014, Peru.
Meik, J./ Brock, C./Blut, M.: Complaining Customers as Innovation Contributors: Stimulating Service Innovation through Multichannel Complaint Management. Global Conference (SRII), 2014 Annual SRII. IEEE, 2014.
Brock, C./ Linzmajer, M./Blut, M.: Shopping Motives in Mobile Commerce: The Impact of Mobile Devices on Consumers’ Purchase Intention, EMAC 2013, Istanbul.
Brock, C./Blut, M./Evanschitzky, H./Voorhees, C. M.: Twenty Years of Service Recovery Paradox Research – A criticial Review, Frontiers in Service Conference 2013, Taipeh.
Meik, J./Brock, C.: Stimulating Service Innovation – The Neglected Outcome of Customer Complaints, Frontiers in Service Conference 2013, Taipeh.
Brock, C./Meik, J./ Caemmerer, B./Evanschitzky, H.: Public Sector Complaint Management - A missing Perspective in Service Research, Frontiers in Service Conference 2013, Taipeh.
Meik, J./Brock, C.: A Conceptual Contribution to Research on Stimulating Service Innovation – The Interrelation of Service Innovation and Customer Complaint Management, World Marketing Congress 2012, Atlanta.
Blut, M./Ulrich, J./Brock, C.: Complaint Handling in B2B-industries: Determinants of Customer Loyalty after a Negative Incident, Winter AMA, St. Petersburg, USA, 2012.
Brock, C./Meik, J./Caemmerer, B./Evanschitzky, H.: Complaint Handling and Service Satisfaction in the Public Sector, EMAC 2012, Lissabon.
Evanschitzky, H./Ramaseshan, B./Rabbanee, F./Brock, C.: Road to Perdition? The Phenomenon of Consumer Relationship Fading, Winter AMA, St. Petersburg, USA, 2012.
Meik, J./Brock, C./Rampl, L.V.: Stimulating Service Innovations using Customer Complaints' Information. American Marketing Association (AMA) ServSIG Conference 2012, Helsinki, Finland.
Caemmerer, B./Evanschitzky, H./Brock, C.: A Multi-Level Study on Franchisee-and System-Level Antecedents of Opportunism and Satisfaction, WMC 2011, Reims.
Blut, M./Brock, C./Evanschitzky, H.: The Forgetful Customer: Regeneration of Sales after Service Failure, AMS Annual Conference, Miami 2011.
Blut, M./Beatty, S. E./Evanschitzky, H./Brock, C.: When do Switching Costs Matter? The Interrelationship between Service Characteristics and Switching Costs, EMAC 2011, Ljubljana.
Brock, C./Blut, M./Evanschitzky, H./Kenning, P. (2010): Don’t Care about Service Recovery – Inertia Effects Buffer the Impact of Complaint Satisfaction, ANZMAC Annual Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand (ausgezeichnet mit dem Best Paper Award im Track “Service Marketing”).
Blut, M./Brock, C./Evanschitzky, H./Kenning, P.: Service Failure and Customer Recovery: Differences between B2B- and B2C-Industries, Summer AMA, Boston, USA, 2010.
Brock, C./Blut, M./Evanschitzky, H./Voorhees, C. M.: Service Recovery Paradox: Truth or Myth?, Winter AMA, New Orleans, USA, 2010.
Evanschitzky, H./Brock, C.: The Forgiving Customer – The Moderating Role of Affective Commitment, World Marketing Congress, Oslo, Norway, 2009.
Brock, C./Evanschitzky, H./Ahlert, D.: Complaint and Switching Intention after Service Failures - the Moderating Role of Affective Commitment and Complaint Barriers, AMA Servsig International Research Conference, Liverpool, UK, 2008.
Backhaus, C./Heußler, T./Brock, C./ Michaelis, M./Ahlert, D.: Standardization vs. Adaptation: The Challenge of Global Services Branding, AMA Servsig International Research Conference, Liverpool, UK, 2008.
Brock, C./Voorhees, C. M./Blut, M./Kenning, P./Ahlert, M.: Consequences of Service Failures: Differences between Noncomplainers, satisfied and dissatisfied Complainers, EMAC Conference, Brighton, UK, 2008.
Brock, C./Evanschitzky, H./Ahlert, D.: Complaint Intention of Dissatisfied Customers – The moderating Role of Affective Commitment and Complaint Barriers, Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference (AMS), Vancouver, Canada, 2008.
Brock, C./Grzeskowiak, S./Ahlert, M./Kenning, P.: The Role of Wholesale Brands for Buyer Loyalty: A Transaction Cost Perspective, Proceedings of Annual Academic Workshop, Tampa, USA, 2008.
Brock, C./Kenning, P./Ahlert, M.: Do Supplier Brands reduce Uncertainty in Supply Chains?, Markentag II, Istanbul, Turkey, 2007.
Brock, C.: The Profit Impact of Noncomplainers – First Findings and Further Research, 20th EMAC Doctoral Colloquium, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2007.
Brock, C./Evanschitzky, H./Blut, M./Kenning, P: Complaint Handling in the B2B Sector, AMA SERVSIG: ’Capitalizing on Customer Feedback: New Paradigms and Strategic Imperatives’, AMA Winter Educators’ Conference, Austin, USA, 2008.
Backhaus, R./Backhaus, R./ Brock, C./Woisetschläger, D. (2019): Erbringung kooperativer Dienstleistungen durch Netzwerke – Erfolgspotenziale und Herausforderungen am Beispiel eines telemedizinischen Netzwerks zur integrierten Schlaganfallversorgung. In (Bruhn/Hadwich): Service Coopetition - Dienstleistungen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Kooperation und Wettbewerb, im Druck.
Brock, C./Frank, P./Kaatz, C. (2018). Service Business Development im Handel–Grundlagen, Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen. In (Bruhn/Hadwich): Service Business Development. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, 2018. S. 545-565.
Brock, C./Bergel, M./Kaatz, C. (2017). Dienstleistungsmarken – Aktuelle Entwicklungen, spezifische Herausforderungen und Implikationen für die Markenführung. In: Corsten, H. & Roth, S. (Hrsg.): Handbuch Dienstleistungsmanagement. München: Franz Vahlen Verlag, 1345-1360.
Evanschitzky, H./Brock,C./Blut, M./Pokorska,J. (2017). Stopping Relationships from Fading: The Concept of Restoration Efforts. In: Corsten, H. & Roth, S. (Hrsg.): Handbuch Dienstleistungsmanagement. München: Franz Vahlen Verlag, 1283-1298.
Brock, C./Streubig, A. (2014): Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement am Beispiel der Otto Group – Herausforderungen, Strategie und Umsetzung. In: Meffert, H./Kenning, P./Kirchgeorg, M. (Hrsg.): Sustainable Marketing Management, S. 339-357
Brock, C./Meik, J./Kaiser, J./Al-Dari, S./Handke, B. (2012): Der Bürger als Kunde – Anliegenmanagement im öffentlichen Sektor. In: Jansen, Stephan A.; Stehr, Nico; Schröter, Eckhard (Hrsg.): ZU|Schrift 2012.
Brock, C./Diedrich, M./Göbel, T. (2012): Multikanalmanagement und Kundenbindung – Zur Überwindung der Distanz zwischen Kunden und Anbieter. In: Jansen, Stephan A.; Stehr, Nico; Schröter, Eckhard (Hrsg.): ZU|Schrift 2011.
Brock, C./Ahlert, M./Gehrmann, K.: Beschwerdemanagement in Franchisenetzwerken, in: Ahlert, D/ Ahlert, M.: Handbuch Franchising und Cooperation.
Bierwirth, A./Brock, C.: Markenmanagement der Lufthansa AG – Herausforderungen im internationalen Luftverkehr, in: Ahlert, D./Backhaus, C./Blut, M./Michaelis, M.: Internationales Markenmanagement, Wiesbaden, 2008.
Kenning, P./Brock, C./ Grzeskowiak, S./Ahlert, M.: The Role of Wholesale Brands for Buyer Loyalty: A Transaction Cost Perspective, in: Baumgarth, C.: Perspektiven des Markenmanagements, Wiesbaden, 2008.
Ahlert, M./Brock, C./Vering, S.: Die Wirkung der Marke auf die Kundenloyalität – Eine empirische Analyse am Beispiel des Industriegüterhandels, in: Bauer, H.H./Albrecht, C.-M./Huber, F., Markenmanagement, München, 2007, S. 369-380.
Reinery, C./Blut, M./Brock, C.: Sponsoring als Instrument des "Early Branding" am Beispiel von Jugend trainiert für Olympia, in: Ahlert, D./Vogel, V./Woisetschläger, D., Exzellentes Sponsoring, Wiesbaden, 2006, S. 181-196.
Frank, P., Brock, C. (2020): Bio: Mehr Information am Point of Sale. Markenartikel- Das Maga-zin für Markenführung, 1-2, 1-4.
Blut, M./Brock, C./ Kaatz, C. (2017): Die Qualität muss stimmen Markenartikel, in: Das Magazin für Markenführung, 3, 64-66.
Brock, C./Ahlert, M./Eggert, M./Hamm, J. D.: Wertorientiertes Beschwerdemanagement in Dienstleistungsnetzwerken, Studie des Internationalen Centrums für Franchising & Cooperation (F&C), Münster, 2009.
Die Reihe Applied Marketing Science wird herausgegeben von: Ahlert, Dieter/Blut, Markus/Brock, Christian/Eggert, Andreas/Evanschitzky, Heiner/Hesse, Josef/Holzmüller, Hartmut M./Iyer, Gopalkrishnan R./Möller-Hergt, Gustavo/Pelton, Lou/Sharma, Arun/Wangenheim, Florian von/Woisetschläger, David.