Chair of business, economics and entrepreneurship education
at the chair of business, economics and entrepreneurship education. The study BA and MA Business Education can be studied in two fields of study. In study area I, students can work in different areas of education after completing their studies. Field of study II forms the first phase of vocational teacher education and is therefore studied with a second subject. The completion of this field of study entitles graduates to move on to the second phase of vocational teacher education (traineeship).
Lehrveranstaltungen im Wintersemester 2019/20
Eine detaillierte Übersicht über die Lehrveranstaltungen im Bachelor und Master können Sie hier finden.
Die Einführungs- und Informationsveranstaltungen je Modul finden in der ersten Vorlesungswoche statt – die Termine finden Siehier.